Cygns |
(C) 2019 Cygnotic Music |
1. Cygns 2. Second Cygn 3. Iridium Dawn 4. Dreaming In Reverse 5. Cylight 6. Replicant Logic 7. Great Plains Of Aetherium 8. Electronic Devotion 9. Dark Lights Of Laniakea Physical Audio-CD available 15€ (incl. mail delivery) Please order via Bandcamp or directly: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! |
Cygns | ||
The 2019 album release ‚CYGNS‘ sets the stage and new signs on the electronic horizon and shows ‚Cygnotic‘ in a matured, sophisticated and compact way and at the same time more ambitious then ever. 9 years lie between the last album 'Through The Gates Of Noc-turnal Sleep' and the new creation. True to the Cygnotic-Style the sound is shaped by epic sound fields, pulsating basslines and sparkling sequencers just sublimated by hymn-like golden leads – the cygnotic signature sound. The dynamic vividly arranged compositions float inbetween gripping melodies and diversi-fied arrangements that are embedded in organic drumstructures. Monumental, melodic, fra-gile, mystic, hymn-like, epic, deep complex layered electronica. All that you will find on ‚Cygns‘. Furthermore the sound captivates with a contemporary production, designed in the production process by an harmonic mix of analog and digital, real and virtual, as well hard- and software, polished in post-mastering by analog hardware equipment. Compared to earlier creations ‚Cygns‘ shows a partly more drumorientated approach wit-hout ever drifting away to Dance or Techno but still capturing the floating composition with an extended focus to melody and a build-up line of suspense, just in the tradition of classi-cal electronic and rather progressive music. Musical genres are transcended and harmo-nized within style. ‚Cygnotic Sound‘ is filling a niche in electronic music which is appeal-ing to aficionados of musical compositions and synth enthusiasts or easy listeners as well. Essential component is the emotional transcendence within the music that are realised by the emitted musical structures and the receiving listening counterpart. ‚Cygns‘ is carrying a constant light of euphoria within an enchanting melancholy. |